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Your maintenance questions answered

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Master Pools of Austin have a wealth of experience to share with pool owners across the state. Read on to find the answers to your most pressing questions, including handy advice on troubleshooting and maintenance.

Pool Lighting

What do I do if my pool light won’t turn on?

  • Check the GFI on the plug outlet at the pool equipment. Push the reset button. Nearby lighting or static charges can trip this button. There is a plastic piece under the button called a slide bar. Make sure it is all the way over to the right.
  • Make sure the batteries in your remote control are installed correctly and charged.
  • Turn the light on at the manual switch at the equipment. This switch has a square push button.
  • Check the breaker in the electric panel.


How do I clean the basket inside my pump?

Turn your equipment off. Unscrew the clear plastic lid on top of the pump. You will hear the water draining out of the system when you do this. Lift the plastic basket out of the pump, and empty it. You may tap it gently against a pipe to dislodge debris or use a hose to spray it out. Make sure it is put back into the pump the same way you took it out. You must now re-prime the pump. See the next paragraph on re-priming the pump.

How do I prime my pump?

Make sure the rubber “O” ring that fits on the pump lid and the lid itself are clean of dirt and debris. Use dish detergent to clean them if necessary. Also clean out the groove on top of the pump where the “O” ring will fit. Use a little “Aqua-lube.” If you don’t have that, use salad oil to wet the “O” ring before you slip it back on the lid (do not use Vaseline or other petroleum products). Have about two gallons of water in a pail or your hose ready, and fill the pump with water before you put the lid on. Don’t be shy here- dump it in as fast as you can. The water will drain out about as fast as you pour it in.

Quickly screw the lid back on the pump, and turn the pump on right away. All of the water will disappear from inside the pump, but it will gradually fill up again. After you turn the pump back on, make sure the lid is firmly screwed down (it is not necessary to make it as tight as possible), and open the air relief valve on top of your filter. Air will gradually begin to squirt out. Wait until water starts squirting out, more or less in a steady stream, and close the air valve. Check your filter gauge to make sure it is showing pressure.

What do I do if my pump won’t prime?

  • Check that the pool is full enough- halfway up the skimmer opening or midway up tile.
  • Check that the skimmer flap between the pool and skimmer easily swings up and down.
  • Check that the skimmer basket is clean and sits down inside the skimmer.
  • Check that the pool cleaner valve is not set to 100% pool cleaner. Put it to 100% pool until the pump primes, and then reset the valve to its correct position.
  • Check the pump lid to ensure it is screwed on firmly.
  • Open the air valve on top of the filter. If air is squirting out, the pump is working; it’s just taking time to get all of the air out of the system.
  • After you have done all of the above, turn the pump off. Check to ensure there is no dirt or debris in the “O” ring groove and that the “O” ring is clean and lubed. Re-prime the pump with water, screw the lid on, and turn the pump back on.


What pressure should my filter pressure gauge read?

There is no single pressure for every pool. Pressures on clean filters should run between 10psi and 20psi. The length of your plumbing, type of pool cleaner, and number of valves will determine your clean filter pressure. Turn the pool cleaner off, and turn the pump on. Bleed the air out of the filter with the air bleed on top of the filter (when water squirts out in a steady stream, the air is out), close the air valve, and read the pressure. This is your clean filter pressure. Turn your pool cleaner on. Depending on the type of pool cleaner you have, your pressure will either go up or down. This is your clean filter pressure with your pool cleaner operating.

When should I backwash or clean my filter?

Backwash your filter (for cartridge filters, remove and clean the cartridge) whichever is first: every 90 days or when the pressure is 10psi higher than your “clean filter/clean filter with pool cleaner on” pressure (see “What pressure should my filter pressure gauge read”).

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Filters: Note: You should take your DE filter apart, remove the grids, and clean out the caked-on DE once a year. A high-pressure hose will usually do the job. To avoid injury, always turn pump off and open the air valve before disassembling a filter.

How do I backwash my DE filter?

  1. Turn the pump off.
  2. Stretch the backwash hose out to where you want to discharge the water.
  3. Rotate the handle on the front of the filter to the open position and pull it down until it stops.
  4. Turn the pump on and run until the water coming out of the hose turns clear (approx. two to three minutes).
  5. Turn the pump off, wait 60 seconds, and turn the pump back on for another 10 to 15 seconds.
  6. Turn the pump off.
  7. Return the valve on front of the filter to the up and locked position.
  8. Turn the pump back on.
  9. Recharge the filter with DE (see below).

How much DE should I put in my DE filter, and how do I add it?

36DE = 4.5 lbs., 48DE = 6 lbs., 60DE = 7.5 lbs.

Fill a small bucket about 3/4 full of DE (or less if that’s too much DE for your filter). Add water until it is a thick slurry. Turn the pool pump on and the pool cleaner off. Remove the basket from the skimmer and slowly pour the DE slurry into the skimmer. If you need to add more DE, repeat this process until you have added the correct amount. Replace the skimmer basket and turn your pool cleaner back on.

Note: Pouring the DE directly into the skimmer without mixing it with water first can cause excessive caking of DE on the grids.

Sand Filters

How do I backwash my sand filter?

  1. Turn the pump off.
  2. Turn the pool cleaner valve to the off position.
  3. Stretch the backwash hose out to where you want to discharge the water.
  4. Rotate the handle on the front of the filter to the open position and pull it up until it stops.
  5. Turn the pump on and run until the water coming out of the hose turns clear (approx. 30-60 seconds).
  6. Turn the pump off.
  7. Return the valve on front of the filter to the down and locked position.
  8. Turn the pump back on and reset your pool cleaner valve to its operating position.
  9. Observe the filter pressure. If it is higher than it should be, repeat the backwash procedure.

Cartridge Filters

How do I clean my cartridge filter?

First, turn your pump off, and open the air valve! Failure to turn the pump off and open the air valve before unscrewing the lid could result in serious injury. After you have turned the pump off and opened the air valve to relieve pressure, unscrew the hand nut on top of the filter. Lift the filter cover off and lift the cartridge filter out off the filter housing. Be careful because the filter can be heavy. Use correct lifting techniques to avoid injury.

Use a pressure nozzle on your water hose (or take the filter to a quarter car wash) to clean the filter inside and out. If you use suntan oil, we recommend using a mild dish detergent to break up the oil (car wash detergent also will work). Return the cartridge to the filter housing, and clean the lid, “O” ring and filter housing of debris, and put some “Aqualube” or equivalent on the “O” ring. Place the lid on the filter housing, screw the hand nut down firmly, open the air valve, prime your pump (see “How do I prime my pump?”), and turn it on. When water squirts out in a steady stream from the air valve, close the valve.


What do I do if my propane heater won’t light?

Your pump must be running and water circulating through the heater before it will light. The electric breaker that controls the heater must be on. The on/off switch on the heater must be in the on position.

If you listen carefully, you may be able to hear the ticking of the electronic ignition trying to light. Make sure the temperature dial on the heater is turned up. Check the valve at the tanks and make sure your heater is using a tank that has gas in it. If your tanks were just changed, the gas line may have air in it, and it will take 10 to 15 attempts by the heater to light before the air is purged out of the line.

A heater will typically try to light three times automatically. If it is unsuccessful in those three attempts, it will shut off and stop trying. If that happens, turn the switch off and back on to reset it so it will try again. You can also call the company that delivered your gas and ask them to come back and purge the lines.

What do I do if my natural gas heater won’t light?

Your pump must be running and water circulating through the heater before it will light. The electric breaker that controls the heater must be on. The on/off switch on the heater must be in the on position. If you listen carefully, you may be able to hear the ticking of the electronic ignition trying to light. Make sure the temperature dial on the heater is turned up.

Client Experiences

"Master Pools did a great job on my pool. There were great to deal with from the beginning. Very responsive and great communicators. We are delighted with our pool. Would recommend them to anyone."

Lee Toowey



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